
This is the services page of Kian Lozanoski. Click here to gain access to hire Kian for your event, achieve shout-out packages, and more. Once a service is brought, we’ll reach out to you via email or phone down below within 7 business days to organise your services.

Shout-Out Packages

Starting at US$399

Get Kian to shout you out on his Instagram, get shouted out by an influencer with over 24,000 followers on one Instagram account, and over 31,000 followers throughout his combined accounts to ensure you or your business get securely promoted. Select from one of three packages down below:

  • 1 post (this features Kian making one Instagram post listing everything you’d like him to support about you or your business whenever you’d like the post posted): $399USD
  • 2 posts (this features Kian making two Instagram posts listing everything you’d like him to support about you or your business whenever you’d like the posts posted, separately, or back-to-back): $699USD
  • 2 posts, 1 full-length reel (this features Kian making two Instagram posts listing everything you;’d like him to support about you or your business whenever you’d like the posts/reels posted, separately, or back-to-back): $999USD

Hire Kian

Starting at US$999

Hire Kian for your event, select one of three packages down below:

1hr: $999USD
2hr: $1,899USD

Full-day (24hr): $2,999USD

KLE | Contact us:

Phone: +61 0450178681 (9am-5pm UTC+10 Monday-Friday (except Public Holidays)

Email: (responding only from 9am-5pm UTC+10 Monday-Friday (except Public Holidays)